There’s so much to consider when you’re traveling along the path that’s the food truck buying search, whether you’re starting your first business or are considered a seasoned veteran when it comes to owning restaurants of any kind.
You have to pick out the right truck. You have to find all of the equipment for said truck. You have to create a business plan. You have to secure the funds for your business. You have to find a manufacturer that will create your food truck vision. You have to build a truck that adheres to local laws, health codes, etc. And, well, the list could go on and on from there.
We wanted to give you as much advice and direction as possible in this department. Therefore, below we will be featuring five articles (previews included) that will come in handy during the food truck buying search.
5 Articles That Will Come In Handy During The Food Truck Buying Search

15 Must-Haves For Starting Up A Food Truck Business
15. A business plan. Every single aspiring business owner needs a business plan. It maps out your entire business, it can help you get funding and you would likely be lost without it.
14. Money. A food truck is not cheap, but it’s also not so expensive that only millionaires can afford one. Nonetheless, you cannot enter this industry without the purchase of a truck, inventory, food and everything else money actually can buy — and needs to buy for you to open up your business. That, of course, should be a no-brainer.
13. Recipes. You are going to be cooking food every single day, and you are also going to make menus, and you need to know how to cook this food — that is where recipes come into play. This is literally the most important ingredient, because it is your product.
12. Location, location, location. You need to have a location picked out, because you can’t just park wherever you want in this industry. Sorry. If you don’t know, then you will learn soon enough, but when it comes to location (aka where you park your truck), permits, regulations, rules, laws and fun things like that will come into play. Don’t fear, there are still plenty of great places to park your mobile business.”
Things To Consider When Buying A Food Truck
Have you done your homework? Have you reviewed the manufacturer? You know, the company you are about to give a ton of money to build your truck? That should be one of the first steps during your food truck buying journey.
If a company has bad reviews, then it would be in your best interest to steer clear of it. The last thing you want is to buy a bad truck and/or bad equipment. If the reviews of a manufacturer are screaming red flags, then do yourself a favor by finding a new company to buy your mobile kitchen from.
The key is to find a company that is committed to getting you the best truck possible, a company that values its customers and is there to help you every step of the way (you know, like Prestige Food Trucks).”
5 Questions To Ask Yourself During The Food Truck Buying Search
4. Should I Go With A Used Truck Or A New One?
This is a valuable question to ask yourself, for a used truck is going to likely cost you less money, but a new truck is going to probably feature everything you want with little hassle. With that in mind, a new food truck will likely take longer to construct than a used one, but that should go without saying.
There are plenty of great used food trucks for sale, and there are plenty of great places to buy new trucks — the choice is yours!
Do you need a truck ASAP, or do you have some time to spare? If you have time to wait, and if you can also afford a new truck, then that is a great path to take. A used truck can be very reliable as well, and meet a lot of your needs.”

Food Trucks For Sale Buying Guide
Customer service should always play a major role, and you should know that as a prospective food truck owner. If you have bad customer service at your mobile kitchen, then you will struggle to retain customers, and your business will take a hit.
When it comes to customer service during your journey of buying a food truck, you want to make sure you are dealing with a reliable company — like Prestige Food Trucks — one that specializes in customer service. Is a company just trying to sell you a cheap truck, or is it trying to sell you a truck that fits all of your needs? Is a company trying to trick you into buying something? Is it giving you the time of day? Is it always willing to talk to you when it comes to building the perfect mobile kitchen? Customer service is a big deal, and it is something you should watch out for when it comes to searching for food trucks for sale.”
How To Take Your Food Truck Buying Search To The Next Level
If your part-time job has basically been browsing food trucks for sale, we are here to take that search to the next level in hopes of you finding the mobile kitchen of your dreams.
Finding the right food truck that fits your needs is not easy. Heck, simply finding the right car to take you from point A to point B can be quite the journey. Finding the right food truck is that much tougher. Not only is a food truck more of an investment than a car — well, typically, that is — but there is more you have to look into. After all, you have to make sure you purchase a food truck that will house all of your equipment.
This is your future business, and, realistically, a food truck is the foundation of your business. This is a big deal. Therefore, in hopes of taking your food truck buying search to the next level, make sure to take some notes, and take the points below to heart.”
Interested in getting into the food truck industry? Request a quote from us today to get going!
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For more food truck advice and inspiration, check out the rest of our blog here.