Every new food truck owner has heard these warnings: “8 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 18 months.” Another is, “Food truck vendors have to work 80 hours a week to keep the business going.” Or, “You need to get outside capital to have a successful food truck.” We take a look at some of these food truck myths so you can stop worrying and get your show on the road!
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Debunking Myths About the Food Truck Industry
Myth #1: Food Trucks Are Worse than Restaurants for the Environment
Restaurant owners may have started this myth, but they claimed that food trucks caused more pollution and traffic. However, most food trucks spend much more of their time parked in a parking lot than driving around.
Food trucks also have a much smaller physical footprint than restaurants with permanent locations, so there is less power needed to keep them going. They also don’t have to waste energy on heating or cooling a large eating area for customers. Some trucks even run off of the vegetable oil that they create from their business! This cuts down the cost for fuel for them as well as carbon emissions.”
Prestige Food Trucks is the world’s leading custom food truck manufacturer.
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