Not everyone is a meat eater. In fact, there are many vegetarian and vegans out there — you might have noticed. Therefore, food truck owners (or perhaps future owners who are currently looking for food trucks for sale) must keep this in mind by adding some vegetarian and vegan items to the menu. For the purposes of this article, we will tackle must-have vegetarian items for mobile kitchen trucks.
The Obvious: Salads
Every once in a while, there is nothing quite like a good old-fashioned salad. There are probably plenty of mobile food trucks out there that serve up their own version of salad — and we thank them for that.
Go With A Monster Classic: PB&J
Because who doesn’t like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (aka an instant classic that is never going away)? More lunch trucks should take advantage of this one. Yes, there are plenty of exotic food trucks out there, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich might not go with every menu, but did we mention this was an instant classic?
Veggie Burgers
Veggie burgers are amazing. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, food lovers and mobile kitchen owners.
Pasta, Pasta And More Pasta
For all of those Italian gourmet food trucks out there, keep the delicious pasta coming.
Spring Rolls
If you are browsing custom trucks for sale and plan on entering the food truck industry in the very near future, do your best to fit spring rolls on your menu. You know, if it fits your food truck concept.
Baked Potatoes … Filled With A Lot Of Good Stuff
The food truck business could use more baked potatoes. Although plain versions of these bad boys can fill up a person by themselves, stuffing them with a ton of other goodies (like vegetables, and whatever else you have in mind) is a home run in the food industry.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich With A Spice
A grilled cheese sandwich, like the PB&J, is a classic. As for the twist part? Well, you’re a chef who owns a mobile catering truck — get creative (tomatoes are a good start, but there are far more exotic ideas).
Mexican food is a big concept in the food truck industry, and there are plenty of burritos being served up at mobile kitchen trailers that can satisfy all of your vegetarian needs.
The Ultimate Winner: Pizza
There are many kitchen trucks out there that make pizza, and there are a ton of food lovers out there who love them as a result. Pizza is always a winner, and you don’t have to be a meat eater to enjoy it.
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