In the below infographic we present the differences between types of generators based on their fuel types for food trucks and concession trailers.
Most of the time we would recommend going with a Gasoline or Diesel generator. This is because of the fuel cost and because it won’t be sharing the same fuel as your cooking line. Also, if you go with a Gasoline or Diesel vehicle, then we can tie into the same fuel tank and run the generator off the vehicle’s fuel. Your power requirements will also play a roll in which generator will be best for you. If you need a ton of power, then Diesel will be best due to there not being many options available for Gasoline generators larger than 7KW.

If you have any questions about which generator is best for your custom built food truck, then give us a call. You can reach us at 888-418-8855 or email [email protected]
Interested in getting into the food truck industry? Follow this link to request a custom quote.
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