Food trucks have stormed onto the food scene in a big way. In the past, these beautiful things might have seemed a bit rare, but that is definitely not the case today (of course, location is everything).
As is the case with anything, there is no blueprint to success — many people are successful, everyone has a different journey to the top of success mountain. With that said, it’s time to dive into five reasons why food trucks are thriving.
5. There Can Never Be Too Many Food Places
There are people who stick with the same routines, and quite possibly the same foods. However, there are also people who love to change it up all of the time, and also love to try new restaurants or foods in general.
Thanks to that simple concept, there can never be too many food places, which is why we will continue to see more and more food trucks (hey, we certainly aren’t complaining about that one).
4. Social Media (AKA Digital Word Of Mouth)
Thanks to social media — which can be your best friend — you can do all of your advertising/promoting/marketing on your computer.
Social media is not going away, so using it to your advantage (I’m talking to you, food truck owners) is the best thing you can do.
Promote the heck out of your food truck business. When you are done with that, promote it some more.
3. Right Time, Right Place
It’s a Friday night, you are out painting the town red (or whichever color you prefer), you don’t want to wait to be seated at a restaurant — so what are your options?
Thanks to food trucks always being in prime spots, you can grub out at a food truck.
When it comes to location, food trucks are the best in the business. And for that, we thank/love them.
2. Less Of An Investment Than A Traditional Restaurant
Food trucks are not the easy way out. They certainly take a ton of dedication and everything else it takes to run any business. That said, they are less of an investment than a traditional restaurant — and that is huge for chefs who want to open up shop.
1. The Demand Is There
Supply and demand, people. That’s what it’s all about. Right now, food lovers fancy food trucks, which means food trucks are going to be around for a long, long time, and more and more of them will continue to sprout up.
Whether you love food (especially food served at food trucks), or want to take the leap and start up your own food truck business, now is a booming time for the food truck industry.
To stay up to date on everything Prestige Food Trucks has to offer, make sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. For more food truck advice and inspiration, check out the rest of our blog here.