3 Proven Ways To Make Your Custom Food Truck Launch Highly Profitable
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This just might be the answer…
Do you want to know the fastest ways to pay off your new food truck investment?
And after you launch, do you want to have long lines of loyal customers at every location you serve?
Do you want to be booked solid for 3-4 months in advance?
Chances are you’ve answered “yes” to one, if not all, of those questions.
Well if that’s true, then you’re in luck! Below are 3 proven ways to help make your food truck launch a success. You don’t have to wait months to make a profit.
And if you want even more in-depth strategies that the 6-figure earning food truck pros are using to generate consistently higher profits and slash their hours…you’re really in luck!
Ali Walter, the founder of The Food Truck Freedom Formula, is hosting a live, online training to share with you the 5 must-have strategies for positioning and growing a highly successful food truck business.
Don’t wait months to make a solid profit with your food truck. Here’s 3 ways to ramp up quickly and get the most out of your business right off the bat:
1) Nail Your Concept:
This doesn’t just mean that you have a cool name, good food and a nice logo, it means that you nail your concept so well, that your truck becomes an EXPERIENCE. A good brand is essential for any successful food truck launch.
Take for example, “I Wanna Wok” in Central Florida
This truck is on point with everything:
The name lends to the type of food they serve.
All of the graphics from the logo, truck wrap and even social media pictures support the rocker theme.
The menu items have band and rock names.
The truck even has lights and music to add the finishing touches to a customer’s experience at the truck.
And guess what? I Wanna Wok is one of the most demanded trucks in Central Florida bringing in thousands at locations where other trucks barely make a few hundred…and the business is only 2 years old!
So think of your truck concept like a theme in a Disney movie. Your theme must be consistent.
This is how you will begin to build a loyal following that with the right engagement, can quickly become an army of fans just begging for the next place you’re going to serve!
2) Know Your Numbers:
Too many truckers launch their businesses with just an idea of operating costs and sales projections, but this is a huge mistake that often leads to truckers barely breaking even and being way overworked.
Identify precisely what your operating costs are so that you can determine what you need to bring in each week.
Your operating costs are all of your fixed costs – costs that never go away no matter if you’re on the road or not.
These are NOT your job costs like food or gasoline.
When you know your operating costs and your menu retail prices, you can determine how many tickets you need to sell each week to break even, let alone profit.
From there you can determine how many shifts, and at what volume, you need to be working every week to get your numbers in the green!
This will ensure you’re making the best decisions with your schedule strategy so you’re not overworking yourself for little money flowing to the bank.
3) Pre-Launch Your Truck:
Would you love to have a following already built up before your truck even hits the streets? The best way to do this is to start EARLY.
Here are a few ways our clients have boosted their truck launch success:
Hold tasting parties with friends and family, and ask them to invite others. Test out your menu items, get feedback and build the excitement for your truck launch.
Create your social media profiles now! Spread the word with friends, ask them to do the same. Post about the progress of your truck build, your menu creations, hype up your launch date – get the buzz going by engaging with people to become a part of your journey.
Hold a soft launch and offer samples of your menu via this VIP type party. Send out an email blast and create an event page on Facebook, inviting people to come to a specific location for the grand pre-launch party of your truck.
Leverage the power of social media to get people talking and rooting for you! As long as you nail your concept, this will pay off.
These 3 high level strategies are some of the many ways you can boost your profits right out of the gate.
Because you shouldn’t have to worry or wonder if your new food truck venture is going to work, or how long it will take to make good money. Take time to outline the roadmap for your launch.
Not only will this give you relief in knowing exactly what you need to do, but it can also help create certainty knowing that this financial risk will pay off!
Want more help outlining your roadmap on exactly how to have a highly profitable food truck business? Then don’t miss out on the FREE, live training this Monday! Register HERE!
To stay up to date on everything Prestige Food Trucks has to offer, make sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. For more food truck advice and inspiration, check out the rest of our blog here.